Thursday, June 21, 2012

Comicalities :D

(Yes, I know "Comicalities" is not a real word)
Just a quick post for today...

Don't you ever find it HIGH-LARIOUS when you have to type in a letter/number code and the computer says:

(Ha-ha, made you scroll down >:D)

"Please prove you're not a robot:"

     Like, I would totally be Em-bot 4000 trying to post a comment on (Pinky's Blog-- Hehe... Thought I should return the favor :3 You know... putting a link of your blog on my blog, for all those readers at home who probably have no idea what I'm talking about right now ;)

Anyways, just thought it was comical (hence the title... hehe :D) Hope you enjoyed my tiny-insignificant-trivia-fact post  for today!

Robots and Spam,
Emily <3


  1. I know, it's rawther inconvenient! Love dat robot name, though! Hmm... I guess I'd be a Pink-Bot :) or perhaps a Geek-Bot? And thanks for the reference!!! Greatly appreciate it :o) *weird nose thing*
