Sunday, June 3, 2012


Hey guys...
     If you haven't noticed, Sophie (the co-author of this blog) hasn't posted for over a MONTH, and no matter HOW much I nag her, she won't put her creative mind to work anymore...
     I just wanted to apologize for her, and Sophie, if you see this, GET YOUR LAZY BUTT UP AND RUNNING AGAIN. Heheh... Revenge + Blogging is oh-so sweet.

Me "MUAHAHA"ing on top of a mulch pile... Yah. Don't ask.

My Deepest Apologies,
Emily <3

P.S. This is the only video I could find of her in my laptop (It was from an earlier post, hope you don't mind... Heheh... ANYWAYS... Here it is:

See how hypocritical she is? :P


  1. ew. i hope you washed your feet after that

    1. =.=;; Really? All the things you sould have commented about, and you chose my dirty feet?
