Monday, February 13, 2012


     Greetings, my fellow bloggers and *fingers crossed* future followers! This is my first ever blog post and I'm looking forward to sharing all the ideas, opinions, rantings, etc. that I have accumulated over the 12(and a half!) years of my life thus far. I could be considered as a person who has a mix of a "haute" and "dramatic" sense of style, if you understand fashion speak. Basically, it means that I like unique pieces of clothing that are unusual, layered, and one-of-a-kind but I also appreciate edgier clothes that are bold, sharp, and asymmetrical. In general, I enjoy wearing many different styles and silhouettes often at opposite ends of the style spectrum. A person that I feel I should give credit to for this is my sister, who played a big role in shaping my taste in clothes. In fact, she also writes a blog, "Eat, Shop, Sleep, and Repeat", and even encouraged me to write my own blog because she said that it would be interesting to read about how a 12 year old perceives the world we know as "fashion". All my ummmm... for lack of a better word, "original" ideas have to go somewhere, you know! And apparently my family is tired of hearing me grumble to myself in the middle of the night, ssoooo... without further adieu, I give you, *drumroll*, a look into the inner workings of a budding fashionista! :D


  1. AWESOME first post!!! :) looking forward to your blog entries

  2. Hey gurlll its Soph!Good idea to start a blog. Loved your first entry!:D Maybe I should jump on the bandwagon and start one as well...Hmmmm have to think about that.Anyway, see ya soon!

  3. lol totes jump on the bandwagon! :D we can be blogger buddies! XO XO XO
