Hi all, Emily here :)
I wanted to dedicate this post to something I personally hold very near and dear to my heart: Valentine's Day! A day to admire the lace and crepe streamers, to hope that a box of chocolates will magically appear at your door, and, if you're lucky, a fancy, romantic dinner and a walk into the sunset. However, through my experience and careful observation of numerous Youtube videos, I have discovered that not everyone shares my love of Valentine's Day. I'm tired of hearing all the complaints from bitter singles and yes, people at my school are already dating. That is why I'm here to set the record straight!
First of all, a guy most probably doesn't have the time or patience to spend every waking moment with his girlfriend.
Furthermore, if every day was like February 14th, it would ruin looking forward to having that one perfect day with that one perfect guy/girl. You have GOT to be guaranteed at least one day of the year.
And lastly, if you're single, a piece of advice to you. I've never dated anyone and even I can clearly see that the best thing you can do is to be happy for your friends who do have someone they want to be with on this romantic holiday. OR you can do what I do: freeload a bunch of candy from your amigos and plop down on the couch, rocky road icecream in hand. After all, you've still got next year to snag that one special someone ;)
*DISCLAIMER*: This post does NOT apply to crazy cat ladies! Especially the last paragraph!
Happy Valentine's Day! <3