Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Project Mondo

Whats crack-a-lackin mi amigos?
  I know it's kinda cheesy, but when it comes to Project Runway, I'm a total ADDICT. I've only watched a few seasons, but I gotta say, many of their designs have inspired me. 
  One designer in particular, Mondo Guerra, has impressed me time and time again. Not only has he won THREE challenges in a  row, but he has continued to show a sensitivity and compassion that was not, in any way, shown by season 8's undeserving winner, Gretchen Jones. On screen, he revealed his HIV positive status which he had been hiding for TEN years not only from his friends, but from his family as well. He also befriended another contestant, Michael Castello,who had been criticized and thrown under the bus by nearly every other competitor. 
  His unique and vividly bright aesthetic surprised me at first, because in the beginning of the season, he seemed somewhat moody and isolated. But as the season wore on, and as Mondo continued to do exceedingly well on the challenges (no surprise there considering his immense natural talent), he won the hearts of the judges and viewers everywhere. If my word isn't good enough for you, here are some of his best designs:
Mondo loves mixing prints and bright, bold colors

From Mondo's Final Collection

The plus signs on the pants signify Mondo's "positive" HIV status

 Ahhhh... The beauty of Google Images ;)

     He is now competing in "Project Runway All Stars". I highly recommend taking a look at his website,, if you're running a little dry on inspiration.

     Which designer do YOU admire?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Hi all, Emily here :) 

     I wanted to dedicate this post to something I personally hold very near and dear to my heart: Valentine's Day! A day to admire the lace and crepe streamers, to hope that a box of chocolates will magically appear at your door, and, if you're lucky, a fancy, romantic dinner and a walk into the sunset. However, through my experience and careful observation of numerous Youtube videos, I have discovered that not everyone shares my love of Valentine's Day. I'm tired of hearing all the complaints from bitter singles and yes, people at my school are already dating. That is why I'm here to set the record straight! 
     First of all, a guy most probably doesn't have the time or patience to spend every waking moment with his girlfriend. 
     Furthermore, if every day was like February 14th, it would ruin looking forward to having that one perfect day with that one perfect guy/girl. You have GOT to be guaranteed at least one day of the year. 
     And lastly, if you're single, a piece of advice to you. I've never dated anyone and even I can clearly see that the best thing you can do is to be happy for your friends who do have someone they want to be with on this romantic holiday. OR you can do what I do: freeload a bunch of candy from your amigos and plop down on the couch, rocky road icecream in hand. After all, you've still got next year to snag that one special someone ;) 

*DISCLAIMER*: This post does NOT apply to crazy cat ladies! Especially the last paragraph!

Monday, February 13, 2012


     Greetings, my fellow bloggers and *fingers crossed* future followers! This is my first ever blog post and I'm looking forward to sharing all the ideas, opinions, rantings, etc. that I have accumulated over the 12(and a half!) years of my life thus far. I could be considered as a person who has a mix of a "haute" and "dramatic" sense of style, if you understand fashion speak. Basically, it means that I like unique pieces of clothing that are unusual, layered, and one-of-a-kind but I also appreciate edgier clothes that are bold, sharp, and asymmetrical. In general, I enjoy wearing many different styles and silhouettes often at opposite ends of the style spectrum. A person that I feel I should give credit to for this is my sister, who played a big role in shaping my taste in clothes. In fact, she also writes a blog, "Eat, Shop, Sleep, and Repeat", and even encouraged me to write my own blog because she said that it would be interesting to read about how a 12 year old perceives the world we know as "fashion". All my ummmm... for lack of a better word, "original" ideas have to go somewhere, you know! And apparently my family is tired of hearing me grumble to myself in the middle of the night, ssoooo... without further adieu, I give you, *drumroll*, a look into the inner workings of a budding fashionista! :D