Monday, May 28, 2012

Fashion Designer of the Future... (Hopefully)

Howdy y'all ;)
     I'm actually considering doing fashion design as a career... Now I know what you're thinking: It's just a phase. There's no way that I would truly want to go to FIT or Parsons. Of course, everyone, including my parents, have shot me down and told me to aim for Harvard/Princeton/Yale/Pretty much any Ivy League School instead. Apparently they think that you have to be some big-shot designer to not starve to death before you rise to fame. Which may be true for all I know...

     So I wanted to see if my designs are any good. I have no idea how to make them tangible garments yet, or use any of the fancy techniques that I see on Project Runway, so I still have a LONG way to go even if people like my designs... I'm just trying to find out if this is even a possible career choice. If it helps,  I know how to sew :P

Buttons and bows,
Emily <3


  1. love the booties!!

    1. Thanks :) I couldn't figure out how to draw it in the right perspective though... lol :D

  2. Wow the detail of the rose bag is amazing!!

    1. Thank you :D Its actually exaggerated a little bit though... I seriously doubt I will ever be able to make that xD

  3. The rose bag is definately amazing. Try colouring them so you can further show what you're trying to portray.

    I make my own clothes and feature them on my blog. Would love to know what you think if you're interested in design! I would follow your dreams. You have your whole life ahead of you and if you decide it's not for you then you can always change :)

    Xox Soph

    1. Thanks for the advice ;) The clothes on your blog look ah-MAZING! :D I've always wanted to make my designs into real clothing... Do you have any tips?
